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Located in Gold Beach, Oregon Tradewinds Bamboo Nursery specializes in one of the world's most important plants: bamboo.  We grow more than 200 varieties of bamboo. Bamboo can range from a small six inch high ground cover to the tall majestic timber groves of fifty foot plus giants.

Gib and Diane Cooper, the owners of Tradewinds, send  bamboo plants to customers all over the USA. We also make appointments with visitors to personally select the appropriate bamboo. Like other plant groups there are many species. There are over a thousand different bamboo species!

Selecting of the proper bamboo for you is extremely important to us. We assist our customers with personal contact and an online descriptive catalog offering many choices. Are you looking for a well behaved giant tropical bamboo or one of the clumping Himalayan species which can survive -20 F? Many bamboo species are running types which can spread over a large area if given time and good conditions. In some cases, it is wise to install a rhizome barrier to keep these types in bounds. Often the clumping types of bamboo are overlooked. These beautiful bamboos grow in a tight clump with very little spreading over the years and would be the choice in a small space. To learn more about bamboo visit our bookstore. We also carry some bamboo tools and fertilizers.

In China, almost half of the forest industry is bamboo based. In fact, much of the world's leadership in bamboo forest management and product technology comes from China. In 1985, Gib Cooper attended the International Bamboo Workshop in Hangzhou, China. This gathering of bamboo professionals resulted in more international cooperation among different nations with a bamboo based forest products industry and those trying to establish bamboo forest and management areas. Significant progress has been made in using bamboo and bamboo based products in more countries throughout the world.

Tradewinds Bamboo Nursery is a clearinghouse of bamboo information through the marketing of books on bamboo published from around the world. Significant efforts are underway to develop bamboo as an agro-forestry crop for the Pacific Northwest. Two workshops were held in the region, one in 1994 and the other in 1997 with over 250 participants in attendance. The themes were to coordinate and develop goals for the emerging bamboo industry in the region. 

In 1999 we began traveling to Mexico to discover the bamboo resources shown to us by our botanist friend, Gilberto Cortés. We discovered that nearly half of the 40 species of native bamboo of Mexico are endangered. In December, 2000, we initiated a bamboo conservation project with the Southern California Chapter of the American Bamboo Society (ABS). Since then we have traveled to Mexico several times to lay the foundation for the Bamboo of the Americas or BOTA for short.  The project has grown to include participants in many countries. We hope to use the BOTA model as a way for people who love bamboo to apply their concern for our rapidly declining environmental resources into saving endangered bamboo species throughout the Americas. A more recent development benefits students through our BOTA-Student Assistance Program under the direction of Eduardo Ruiz Sanchez.

Gib also served as the Vice-president of the American Bamboo Society for 6 years. He was one of the founders and past secretary of the Oregon Bamboo Association and was active in the Oregon, Northern and Southern California chapters of the ABS.

We are a licensed nursery by the Oregon Department of Agriculture. Lic. #73026. Our interstate shipping permit is #52-73026.
